Andrew Tate, toxic masculinity and the radicalisation of Irish schoolboys

Until his spat with Greta Thunberg and arrest in Romania, many of us would not have heard of the controversial social media figure, but he stands accused of stoking hatred of women among impressionable children

Andrew Tate. Photo from Instagram/@cobratate

Tanya Sweeney

As a teacher in a co-ed secondary school on the west coast of Ireland, Catherine* is used to lively and spirited discussion among young pupils. One afternoon, a conversation among her second years gave her pause for thought.

“Some of them were talking about how great this guy Andrew Tate was,” she recalls. “There was just one group in particular who seemed really fascinated with him and drawn to him. They’re only really getting soundbites from this guy, but they’re seeing the fact that he’s rich and successful. That he’s made something out of himself. That he’s an MMA fighter.”