Dr. Seline Keating (Principal Investigator) and Dr. Bernie Collins, associates of the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre (ABC) hosted consortium partners from Greece, Italy, Netherlands and Spain to Belvedere House, on the DCU St. Patrick’s Campus to commence their work on GEM: Gender Equality Matters.

Seline and Bernie were recently awarded a grant of €460,000 from the EU Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme to lead a transnational project on gender-based violence. The project, titled GEM: Gender Equality Matters, identifies three target groups with whom they will work over a two year period: children (aged 10-17); parents, and teachers.
Key objectives include raising awareness, challenging attitudes and promoting behaviour changes in relation to gender-based violence generally, and with specific reference to violence perpetrated against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community.
The main activities include in-school and online training courses for school staffs and parents, classroom materials for students in upper primary and secondary schools and a capstone conference to share learning from the project. There will be also a number of publications to present significant findings from the research element of the project. A number of public events are also planned across consortium countries.
This exciting work will be undertaken with partners from Italy (FMD); Spain (University of Murcia); Greece (KMOP) and Netherlands (ESHA).