After nine months involving over 50 presentations, 4,600 responses to a public consultation questionnaire, 78 written submissions, and focus groups with 41 school staff and board of management members, and most importantly, a consultation process involving 170 children and young people, including children with special educational needs, Traveller and Roma children, children from Ukraine and refugees, the Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD, launched Cineáltas: Action Plan on Bullying.
The Action Plan builds on the achievements of the previous Plan published in 2013 by expanding the scope of responsibility for preventing and addressing school bullying from schools alone to all stakeholders in education.
More about the New Action Plan on Bullying can be read here.
DCUs UNESCO Chair, Prof. James O’Higgins Norman, and several researchers from DCU Anti-Bullying Centre (ABC) contributed to the development of the new Plan. These included Dr. Amalee Meehan, Dr. Alan Gorman, Dr. Seline Keating, Dr. Maeve Dupont, and ABCs Director of Engagement Darran Heaney.