Prof Yseult Freeney

Yseult Freeney is a Professor of Organisational Psychology in DCU Business School and a Research Fellow in DCU Anti-Bullying Centre. She completed her PhD in Psychology in University College Dublin as a UCD Scholar. Yseult was awarded an IRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in 2009 to continue her work in Trinity College Dublin. Her research agenda is driven by a passionate interest in the well-being of employees and in helping them to thrive at work. More specifically, her research contributes to understanding how organisations can foster sustainable work engagement and work- life enrichment for employees against a backdrop of increasing work intensification, as well as a particular interest in the important role of positive workplace relationships. Yseult has worked with multiple organisations in both a research and training capacity in assisting them with leadership and engagement challenges. In line with her expertise in the area, Yseult serves on the Editorial Board of Human Resource Management Journal. Yseult Freeney’s publications to date include Human Relations, Human Resource Management Journal, International Journal of Nursing Studies, Learning and Individual Differences, Journal of Health Organization and Management and the British Educational Research Journal. She also co-edited the Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Management: Organisational Behaviour with her colleague, Prof. Patrick Flood.
Yseult is currently Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning in DCU Business School. She has won awards for her excellence in teaching, winning the DCU President’s Excellence in Teaching Award while she was awarded a regional teaching fellowship by the Dublin Region Higher Education Alliance. Yseult also acts as one of the Chairing Judges at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition.