Scoping Bullying and Cyberbullying Victimization Among Gifted Adolescents in Ireland

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Project Overview

This project aims to investigate the prevalence and impact of bullying and cyberbullying among a sample of 195 academically gifted adolescents in Ireland. A high rate of bullying and cyberbullying victimisation was detected. Indicative findings also showed that females, LGBTI+ and twice exceptional gifted adolescents scored significantly lower in wellbeing and higher in anxiety. These findings aim to inform anti-bullying policies for the inclusion of gifted adolescents in schools.

Researchers: Dr Mairéad Foody, Catriona Ledwith, Colm O’Reilly, Robert Slonje

External Partners: Centre For Talented Youth, Ireland

Project Goals

  • Research the intersection of giftedness and bullying
  • To determine bullying victimisation prevalence rates
  • Scope out the potential impact this victimisation has on academically gifted adolescents
  • Use the findings to inform anti-bullying policies and more work in the area

Research Areas

Giftedness, Adolescent Mental Health, Anti-Bullying, Cyberbullying


1 paper is currently under review

Principal Investigator

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Research Team

Dr Mairéad Foody
Catriona Ledwith
Colm O’Reilly
Robert Slonje