Smartphone Bans in Primary and Post-Primary Schools in Ireland: A Qualitative Investigation
Project Partners/Funders
Fund Award Amount
Project News
Project Overview
The project aims to explore staff and adolescents’ opinions of smartphone bans that have been implemented in both primary and post-primary schools in Ireland. International research into smartphone bans has utilised quantitative methods and findings from such research are contradicting. To the researchers’ knowledge, there is currently no evidence-based research in Ireland on smartphone bans. Thus, this project aims to explore staff and students’ opinions on how effective these smartphone bans have been in Ireland. The findings aim to inform recommendations to the Department of Education and schools in Ireland.
Project Goals
The project goals will be:
- Research participants opinions and feelings on smartphone bans
- Explore impacts of smartphone bans
- Review current research into smartphone bans
- Use findings to inform recommendations to the Department of Education and schools in Ireland regarding smartphone bans
Research Areas
Report and pubications in progress