Academic Publications

Teacher Prevention Programmes in Sanmartin
J(Ed)School Violence,A Report of the IX International Meeting on the Biology and Sociology of Violence., School Violence, Queen Sophia Centre for the Study of Violence,Valencia, 6th,7th Oct
Silent Witnesses
O'Moore, A.M.
(A DVD intended to assist schools and parents to raise awareness of the problem of bullying and to help them manage the problem.)
Violence in Schools in a Culturally Diverse Society
O' Moore, A.M. & Minton, S.J.
Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South (SCoTENS) Third Annual Conference, Grand Hotel, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Nov 10 - 11
Reshaping Young People’s Attitudes Towards Aggression and Bullying: Towards a Nationwide Intervention in Irish Schools
O' Moore, A.M. & Minton, S.J.
Fourth International Conference of PhD Students, University of Miskolc, Hungary, Aug 11 - 17
Tackling Violence in Schools: A Report from Ireland
O' Moore, A.M. & Minton, S.J.
Connect UK-001 (Tackling Violence in Schools on a Europe-Wide Basis) European Conference , Goldsmiths' College, London, UK, Apr 6 - 8