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Workplace Bullying in Primary Schools: Teachers’ Experience of Workplace Bullying: An organisational response perspective
Fitzpatrick, Kathleen
University of Limerick

The aim of this doctoral research is to contribute to the growing body of knowledge concerning workplace bullying by considering the help-seeking experiences of targets of bullying and organisational responses to their complaints. A phenomenological research design was adopted. Twenty-two Irish primary school teachers (7 male, 15 female) self-selected for interview. Data were analysed utilising an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis framework.

All those interviewed had made complaints in accordance with the nationally agreed procedures stipulated to address workplace bullying in their schools. Redress procedures comprises several stages. All had engaged in stage one and two of the official complaints procedures; and all had availed of counselling, with most engaging with the recommended employee assistance service (formerly known as ‘Care Call’ now Medmark). Some participants had ceased engagement at stage 2, while other participants who had proceeded to stage three, ceased engagement at this juncture. Further participants proceeded to stage 4, of whom two are currently proscribed from returning to their posts due to ongoing disputes based upon retaliation for complaints, which comprised challenges to their fitness to work.

It is significant that no participant expressed satisfaction with the outcome of exercising agency and engaging with redress procedures. In fact, complaints procedures served as technologies of power for bullies who launched counterattacks. This doctoral study traced the pre-action, action, response, and overall consequences for the teacher as the target of workplace bullying describing targets’ resistance within the context of complex social interactions and considered possible supportive, preventative, and resolution strategies.

The resultant approach has wide-ranging implications for the present pernicious practices, and it identified a number of proposals for professional practice and modifications in the way in which workplace bullying may be countered and contained. This thesis contributes to discourses of agency in workplace bullying and challenges both researchers and policymakers to fully elucidate the various issues surrounding pathways to redress for bullying. In addition through its emphasis on the power dynamics which characterize redress it extends the limited available literature in the substantive area about the ineffectiveness of complaints procedures.

Moreover, despite the research limitation respecting the modest scale of the study involving self-selecting teachers, the richness of the data elicited underscores the problematic and contingent assumptions underpinning anti-bullying policies and procedures which purportedly address workplace bullying within small organisations.

Examining the relationship between sources of self-concept and forms of aggression in adolescence
Sargeant, Cora Castielle
University of Southampton

This thesis investigates the relationship between forms of self-concept and forms of aggression in adolescence. The relationship between self-esteem and aggression has been inconsistent in research, with both high and low self-esteem found to be related to aggression. The first paper presented here reviews the literature in the field and finds that this relationship becomes clearer when self-esteem is conceptualised in terms of a dual processing model, consisting of both explicit and implicit forms. The relationship with aggression is strongest when high explicit self-esteem is combined with low implicit self-esteem, as it is in narcissism. The literature review demonstrates that because of this, narcissism provides a better predictor of forms of aggression than the dual processing model of self-esteem can alone. Implications for future research and educational practice are discussed, with a particular emphasis on the need for future research to investigate the emerging link between narcissism and bullying. The second paper presented here reports an empirical study investigating the relationship between adaptive (i.e., leadership, self-sufficiency) and maladaptive (i.e., the tendency to exploit others, exhibitionism, entitlement) forms of narcissism and bullying as well as the possible mechanisms through which they are related. We surveyed 388 UK adolescents (160 boys, 190 girls) using measures of narcissism, bullying behaviour, affective and cognitive empathy, and need for power. Results highlighted that both adaptive and maladaptive narcissism were predictive of bullying for both male and female participants. We found that this relationship was not mediated by either cognitive or affective empathy, but that it was significantly mediated by a need for power. The study highlights the need for future research to begin to design and test interventions targeting the bullying associated with different forms of narcissism individually.

An exploration of differences in theory of mind and empathy among students involved in bullying
Glennon, S
University College Dublin (Ireland)

The study was an exploration of differences in Theory of Mind (ToM) and empathy among students involved in bullying in 5th and 6th class in primary school, and consisted of both a quantitative and qualitative component.  In the quantitative study, 552 student participated and each student completed a questionnaire detailing their involvement in bullying and the nature of the bullying they experienced, witnessed or carried out.  They also completed a measure of verbal intelligence, a ToM measure, a trait measure of empathy and a Person-Specific measure of empathy.  A pilot study, with 104 students, looked at the psychometric properties and suitability of the above measures.  Results from the quantitative study found no significant differences among groups for Total ToM score.  Female students had significantly higher Total ToM scores than male students.  Some significant differences were found on the ToM Cognition Subscale for the Bully/Victim status group.  No Person-Specific empathy differences were found for any status group.  In the qualitative study 30 students took part in four focus groups, where they were asked their views on how ToM and empathy relate to involvement in bullying behaviour.  The qualitative findings suggest that students believe that both ToM and empathy skills are important variables in relation to involvement in bullying behaviour but that the influence of both of these variables can be overridden depending on many factors in the bullying situation.  Although results do not support the ToM model for understanding bullying, before this model can be rejected completely, problems of measurement need to be addressed.  Likewise, before the Social-Cognitive Information-Processing model can be taken as a model for understanding bullying, all steps in this model need to be tested in relation to students who are involved in bullying.  The model cannot be generalised from research on aggressive children.  Future research needs to continue to explore all the status groups, especially the Bully/Victim status group and to look at how ToM and empathy relate to each other.

Multivariate approaches to school climate factors and school outcomes
Carrasco Ogaz, Diego Alonso
University of Sussex

School climate is a crucial concept used to explain school differences. Nevertheless, this concept is elusive in the literature, conveying different meanings. To address the relation between school climate and school outcomes, its historical roots are reviewed and a multivariate approach to it is proposed, in contrast to a unidimensional conception. In four papers, this strategy is used to study associations among various school climate factors (SCFs) and school outcomes, including teacher turnover, teacher job satisfaction, students’ math achievement, and students’ social attitudes. In paper 1, schools serving more socioeconomically disadvantaged students are found to present higher rates of teacher turnover. A complementary study shows that SCFs (supportive school leadership, positive school relationships, and academic monitoring) present differing effects on teacher turnover. In paper 2, the relationships between SCFs (teacher student relations and school discipline) and teachers’ job satisfaction and withdrawal cognitions (intentions to quit) are estimated. These SCFs appear to play a protective role with respect to teachers’ withdrawal cognitions, and these effects are indirect via their relationship to teachers’ job satisfaction. In paper 3, the relationship between the experience of bullying and students’ achievement is addressed. The relationship is found to be indirect, with key roles played by perceptions of school belonging and students’ classroom engagement. Finally, in paper 4 the relationship between civic knowledge and the endorsement of democratic values is estimated. This link is found to be partially mediated by ideological beliefs (authoritarianism), and the role of open classroom discussion (a SCF) as a moderator of these effects is demonstrated. This work demonstrates that in order to specify theory-driven models of different school outcomes, school climate should be conceptualized as diverse social-contextual effects operating in a complex multivariate setting with mediated and moderated pathways to outcomes.

Women engineers in Britain, 1945-2000
Wray, L.
Open University

This thesis looks at the work of women engineers in the period of 1945-2000.  Its central focus is the impact gender had on the likelihood of a woman making such a career choice, on the training to become an engineer and on women’s lived experiences in the work place.  It discusses the impact of the equality legislation and considers the effect that the characterisation of engineering as a male profession had on the numbers of women in engineering and on their treatment. The thesis approaches these subjects through a study of the experiences of a group of women engineers.  Their life histories are set against the social and economic changes that occurred over the period.  It encompasses both women who were engineers at the beginning of the period and those from later generations.  The use of oral history allows a rounded picture of the changing experiences of women engineers, their career expectations and the degree of success that they achieved. The thesis argues that the history of women engineers has been largely ignored. While their experiences have paralleled that of women in other careers, the continued overwhelming dominance of the profession by men has resulted in a number of assumptions regarding discrimination and harassment that remain unproven.  It demonstrates that the social stereotyping of engineering discourages many women from considering the career, thus perpetuating both gender inequality and the myth that women are unwelcome in the career.

Dr Carol O’Toole
The components, construction and correlates of quality of school life in secondary education. (BL: DXN044510)
Karatzias, A.
University of Stirling

Results indicated that the new Q.S.L. scale has good psychometric qualities both in the Scottish and the Greek sample, although such qualities need to be investigated further. Personality factors were found to be the best predictors of Q.S.L. in two studies. In the study regarding the correlates of Q.S.L., it was found that school self – esteem was the best predictor of Q.S.L., whereas in the cross – cultural study between Scotland and Greece it was found that, for both Scottish and Greek samples, positive affectivity was the best predictor of Q.S.L. However, both Greek and Scottish samples in the cross – cultural study consisted of 4th or 6th graders, whereas the sample in the study regarding the correlates of Q.S.L. (Scottish only) consisted of 1st to 6th grade secondary school pupils. Greek and Scottish pupils were found to differ in relation to Q.S.L. levels total and across domains with a privilege of Scottish pupils regarding Q.S.L. Q.S.L. was not found to be the best predictor of self – rated performance neither across subjects nor overall. School self – esteem was found the best predictor of self – rated performance overall. However, Q.S.L. was found to be associated with school misbehaviour, but again it was not its best predictor. The best predictor of school misbehaviour was found to be gender, with males being more likely to misbehave than females. Nevertheless, Q.S.L. was found the best predictor of overall involvement in bullying and / or victimisation, alongside with school stress, implying its significant association with the phenomenon as a whole. It was also found that peer self – esteem and demographics, such as gender, differentiate bullies and victims. Finally, Q.S.L. was found to predict at best smoking maintenance, whereas other factors (e.g. school stress) where found to predict at best experimentation with smoking, alcohol and illicit drugs and maintenance of alcohol use.

Bullying and Harassment of Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) women within the Police Services in England: Race, Gender and Police Culture
Hasan, Marina
University of Northumbria at Newcastle

This thesis examines the ‘hidden’ and under-researched area of bullying and harassment of Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) women in Police Services in England. In so doing the thesis explores the intersectionality between race and gender within the context of police culture. The thesis explores the development of the legislative and policy framework of bullying harassment within the context of English Policing. In doing so, it adopts a chronological approach, which facilitates an understanding, whilst identifying main influences and events, which have shaped English Policing bullying and harassment policy since the Macpherson Inquiry (1999).

The research argues that the failure of successive governments to develop a robust legislative framework on bullying – on the grounds that it would create an unnecessary regulatory burden to industry (Adams, 1994) – has had a massive impact on workplace bullying and harassment issues. This has led to the default position of the development of the creation of ‘dignity at work’ policies through which cases of bullying are channelled. The thesis argues that this policy framework when implemented within a command-and-control organisation such as the police makes it ‘fair game’ for undermining (EHRC, 2016).

The research identifies the impact of this historic policy failure to acknowledge the importance of intersectionality in matters of diversity and the continuing ‘struggle’ between race and gender within English policing. This factor then contributes to the ‘invisibility’ of BAME women in policing. In doing so it makes BAME women susceptible to ‘unique tactics’ of bullying and harassment, which contribute to their impeded progression as compared to their white counterparts. These ‘unique tactics’ are underpinned/enhanced by the police ‘organisation’ and enforced by police ‘culture’.

The thesis argues that the failure to ‘grasp’ the issue of bullying and harassment of BAME women within British Policing is due, in part, to a lack of effective leadership; which is driven by a ‘crisis management’ culture around issues of race and gender (CRE, 2004; Ghaffur, 2004; Rollock, 2010). Furthermore, the research argues, that this situation is compounded by a paucity of evidence-based research in this area, which contributes to intensifying the perceived and actual ‘invisibility’ of BAME women within contemporary English policing.

The thesis concludes, that; the bullying and harassment of BAME women in Police Services in England, is underpinned by issues of patriarchy and racism; which are difficult to challenge in bureaucratic and hierarchical organisations like the Police. It is argued in the research that Police Services in England have developed on ‘face value’ effective policies and procedures to deal with bullying and harassment however, it is the implementation of the bullying and harassment policies and procedures and the way in which certain sections of the organisation handle them (Department of Professional Standards (DPS) and Human Resources (HR)) where the tension lies. This is due to the viewpoint established by this research that those police departments responsible for handling cases of bullying and harassment of BAME women do not have many BAME people working within them (HASC, 2016). It is argued here that this makes implementation of bullying and harassment policies difficult, as these individuals do not truly understand the nature of racism which is essential to be able to tackle the bullying and harassment of BAME women. Furthermore, the forceful police culture, does its utmost to maintain and protect the organisation from those BAME women who would expose it both internally and externally for bullying and harassment. This triggers a range of acts; aimed at undermining, discrediting, and isolating the victim through drawn out investigative processes. These acts are aimed at maintaining power and order and are enabled through the operation of police culture, which by its very nature facilitates ‘corruption’ of processes in the handling of bullying and harassment cases.

European research project established to tackle the issue of bullying in sport launched

A new research project to tackle the issue of bullying in sport has been launched by DCU’s Anti-Bullying Centre in partnership with the University of Limerick.

BeFore: Anti-Bullying Education for Sports Coaches aims to review the current policies in place within sporting organisations and create a comprehensive training programme for coaches, trainers, teachers and managers to enhance their competencies and skills to tackle the issue of bullying in their sport.

The project focuses on improving behaviours and fostering inclusion at all levels and it is hoped it could potentially lead to greater numbers playing and a lifelong enjoyment of sport.

Speaking about its importance, principal investigator Colm Canning from Dublin City University’s Anti-Bullying Centre said:

“Sport has the ability to significantly enhance people’s quality of life by improving people’s health and wellbeing and can also help to tackle many societal challenges. The landscape of sport has changed enormously in recent times for the better but still faces many challenges. In sport, we want good governance, integrity, equality, sport as an activity for all, member protection and child safeguarding meaning that safe, fair and inclusive sporting environments are no longer an aspiration, but are imperative.

The BeFore project represents an opportunity to educate coaches and sports organisations on the significant role they play in promoting these inclusive environments and also on how they greatly impact athlete’s experiences of sport.”

An image of Colm Canning speaking at the launch of BeFore project
Principal Investigator Colm Canning

Dr Brendan O’Keefe, principal investigator and Lecturer in Health & Physical Education at UL, said:

“The importance of having informed coaches in the delivery of sport cannot be overstated. The BeFore project represents a crucial milestone in addressing the many challenges minorities face in a sporting context. Through collaboration with leading experts across Europe, this project will seek to deliver an evidence-based training and education programme that promotes inclusive coaching practices and has a real impact on individuals’ experience of sport.”

An image of Dr Brendan O Keefe speaking at launch of BeFore project
Principal Investigator Dr Brendan O’Keefe

The project was launched at an event on DCU’s Glasnevin Campus last week in The Helix. It featured a keynote on the topic from Irish hurler Zac Moradi who is originally from Iraq and plays for the Leitrim senior team. Zac spoke about his experience in coming to Ireland when he was 11 years old, his involvement in sport to date and the importance of inclusion in sport. In conclusion, he said “We all belong here in this place. We belong not because of who we are or where we come from. It’s where we all belong.”

The event also featured contributions from Michael McGeehin, Director of Sport Ireland Coaching;

“The programme will provide innovative and continuing support to both coaches and sports
organisations and those who seek to educate/work with them to tackle bullying, improve socialisation and reduce marginalisation. Enhancing the education and skills of coaches in this area will further develop the confidence of the coach in building a safe environment, ensuring that children get a good introduction to and foster a lifelong love of their sport”

Brenda O’Donnell, Cara Sport Inclusion Ireland;

“Adopting the principles of the Sports Inclusion Disability Charter and addressing the needs as expressed by people with disabilities can lead to greater understanding, engagement and a cultural shift to enhancing active and healthy lifestyle opportunities for everyone.”

Dr Olivia Hurley, Sport Psychologist;

“Despite the sport changing room often being perceived as a fun, safe space where athletes socialise, have fun and support each other, this study (Ríos et al., 2022) reported it to be the very space where bullying behaviour most often occurred – this is something athletes, coaches, parents and sport organisations need to be acutely aware of, if they are to be part of the solution to such problems within sport environments.”

Dr Hannah McCormack from Tackle Your Feelings, Rugby Ireland;

“From a positive psychology point of view, sport has the potential to satisfy the needs for every individual to live their best lives. Creating an environment that is conducive and supportive of this is key to the success of gaining the known advantages of physical activity on mental wellness. The environment is influenced by the coaches and managers who can create a culture of inclusiveness, understanding respect and “soundness”, passing on transferrable life skills which can be used both on and off the pitch.”

Funded by Erasmus+, the project is also being supported by Sport Ireland, the European Network of Sport Education, the Universidad de Murcia in Spain, and friends in Sweden.

An image of the BeFore project team and funders
Launch of the BeFore: Anti-Bullying Education for Sports Coaches Project
Social Innovation Fund Ireland Awards ABC FUSE Project €500,000 for Use in Primary Schools

The FUSE Project, which is developed and led by ABC, received a €500,000 award to be implemented at primary school level.

Social Innovation Fund Ireland announced the Awardees of their 2019 Children and Youth Funds at a special awards ceremony recently.

The 2019 Children and Youth Funds, which include the Children and Youth Education Fund and the Children and Youth Mental Health Fund, are designed to support projects addressing the most prevalent issues facing young people and children in Ireland today.

ABC’s Darran Heaney led the application for this funding which will be used to implement the successful FUSE programme to primary schools in Ireland.

Additionally, ABC recently welcomed PhD Candidate Paloma Viejo Otero to join the project team and implement this project.