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Vulnerability and abuse: an exploration of views of care staff working with people who have learning disabilities
Parley, Fiona Forbes
Robert Gordon University

In recent years there has been increased focus on vulnerability and abuse however greater attention has been paid to this in relation to children, elders and in domestic situations. Within learning disability service there has been increasing attention on physical and sexual abuse as well as attention being given to abuse as it is perceived by people with learning disabilities. The aim of this study was to explore the views of staff working within learning disability services regarding their views of vulnerability and abuse. A phenomenological approach was adopted, as this is a subject about which little is known and the lived experiences of care staff and the meanings that they attach to them were being explored. Semi-structured interview was the chosen method for data collection. Twenty informants shared their views in this study. The data generated were themed and the findings were presented in two different but complementary styles: case studies and themes representative across the entire sample. This research has highlighted a number of important issues. There is considerable difference in the meanings given to vulnerability by care staff and the range of meanings are further complicated when notions of risk are considered. A model is presented that illustrates experiences of vulnerability and confidence of the individual the impact of various experiences on those states. For example negative experience of bullying might increase vulnerability whilst positive family support might engender feelings of confidence. The study showed that staff are more influenced by personal and family values than by policy. Though this study focused on adult protection policy it was evident that this also applied in the case of other policy. The strong influence of personal values pervades all aspects of care. This was evident in the views of informants regarding abuse. Abuse is considered to range in severity from bullying, which is seen as prevalent but to an extent unpreventable, to sexual abuse which is considered by most to be taboo. Neglect and infringement of rights were in the main not seen as abuse with both being attributed to ignorance. Power, authority and/or control are felt to be essential in the management behaviour that challenges and is justified to that end. In the context of adult protection a model for safety planning is proposed that shifts the emphasis away from risk avoidance toward an enabling person centred approach that recognises the importance to the individual of excitement in life that also may involve risk.

Mental violence and Chinese new educated youth: a study of workplace conflict in modern China
Zhang, Xiaoying
Loughborough University

Mental Violence in present study is similar to a western concept, bullying. But is has its characteristics, forms and causes in Chinese workplace. It is a form of indirect interpersonal aggression and identified through the perceptions of its receivers. It does not involving touching receivers physically but is psychologically damaging. It exists between individuals of equal status, such as colleagues. Moreover, it is a two-way phenomenon, which could be reversible. Mental Violence may be the result of a conflict of values. It is particularly evident among the Chinese New Educated Youth. Chinese New Educated Youth is that cohort of young people who were partly Confucian and Collectivistic for emphasizing harmony but also partly Individualistic and Westernized for pursuing personal goals. For this cohort, the above two orientations were incompatible and dissonant leading to stress. Furthermore, they had a competitive lifestyle which was no longer supported by the welfare of a planned economy this exacerbates their stress. To relieve stress, Mental Violence was employed in their daily contacts, e.g. in workplaces. The evidence in support of this account was discussed and evaluated. There is no excuse for any violence. However, we have to say sometimes a kind of violence is not always too noxious for someone, such as the sender of violence. To some limited extent, violence could be considered as positive and it at least helped people to relieve stress and recover a balance from unbalanced situation. Mental Violence is such violence. It is a result of negotiation and a side effect of stress as well. Nevertheless, most of things are double-edged swords. Mental Violence is no exception. For the sender, it might be a buffer and makes him or her relaxed; for the receiver, it is absolutely negative, discomfort and even aggressive. For helping readers to clearly understand such violence, and for advising others to raise their awareness of the violence, this study would explore its causes and characteristics. From ancient traditional society to the present modern one, Confucianism and Collectivism afterwards represent a kind of gentle culture which deeply influences traditional Chinese. Chinese traditional philosophy, such as Confucianism and Taoism, stresses the significance of the harmony relationship for the growing, maturing and success of the Chinese. Chinese New Educated Youth who were disciplined for such a culture in thoughts and behaviours while growing up. Therefore, to keep harmony and to avoid conflict becomes a key characteristic for Chinese interactions in a collective society. However, the opening policy to the West world exposed China to the influence of Individualism which is absolutely unlike Confucian or Collectivism. Confucianism s influence has been challenged by Westernized values because of globalization. The difference between two values made Chinese New Educated Youth confused in their thoughts and appropriate behaviours in interpersonal relationships. To recover a balance, they need to relieve such a stress from the confusion and other stressors as well. While using the two value systems in interaction with others, Mental Violence usually happened. Therefore, the conflict of two different values in dealing with social relationship became one cause for Mental Violence. In present research, I tried to reveal Mental Violence, a particular kind of daily conflict in interactions among modern Chinese. For pursuing why Chinese New Educated Youth was special and experienced Mental Violence often, they were compared with other generations in China. Therefore, this research invited participants from three generations (Chinese New Educated Youth, the older generation who were born before 1970s, and the younger generation who were born in 1980s) and from different cities in China. Participants occupations covered different professions, and all of them worked in three sizes of offices (small, big and single). Both of qualitative and quantitative data collecting methods were used in the study. They contained semi-structural interviewing and filling up the questionnaire. And main methods of data analysis are factor analysis, correlation and Thematic Analysis. The result indicated that Mental Violence of Chinese educated youth occurred in workplace was the most often, but was largely unseen by people outside of the group. Because I had to establish why this cohort would be inclined to apply more Mental Violence in daily life, I compared them with their previous generation and the later generation through measuring demographics, westernised, individualism and collectivism. Three generations are different in the Individualism-Collectivism tendency. Chinese New Educated Youth were always in the middle. They were seemed as partly Collectivistic and partly Individualistic. Linked with categories of Mental Violence Chinese New Educated Youth usually experienced, it seems they applied double standards to deal with social interactions. Due to such standards made them failed in establishing good relationships with colleagues, in other words, whatever Chinese New Educated Youth or their colleagues did not feel happy in their social interactions, it means Chinese New Educated Youth have conflict in Individualism-Collectivism tendency. Otherwise, through the investigation, I noticed significant demographical difference other than the generation in experiencing Mental Violence. Male participants reported experiencing Mental Violence more than female ones. The higher education the participant got, the more he or she experienced Mental Violence. Comparing with other occupations, intellectual respondents reported sending Mental Violence the most. Participants who worked as staffs experienced Mental Violence more than people who worked as administrators in the workplace. And people who were singles experienced Mental Violence the most in workplace. Because conflict of relationship seems a sensitive topic for Chinese, I started interviews from talking about overviews of participants workplaces with them. Therefore, the result also shows characteristics of structure and social relationship of Chinese modern offices. China had lot of small size offices in which 2 to 10 staffs worked. Small offices organised small relative closed groups. In such a group, staffs had long time for face to face interaction everyday. Such offices were much more than single offices where only one person worked in and big offices where more than ten persons in. Both of the above characteristics of workplace are not beneficial for physical aggressions as previous study proved but could considered as a structural factor for Mental Violence. Actually, the Mental Violence which reported occurring in small offices is the most often, especially among Chinese New Educated Youth. Hope this research could be a model for further more thorough relevant study. All of the above would be a step towards further study on Mental Violence and Chinese New Educated Youth.

The experiences of transgender young people and their parents: Informing the work of Educational Psychologists
Freedman, Abigail
University College London

There has been a recent increase in the reported number of young people accessing specialist gender identity services. Transgender children and young people face a number of issues such as bullying and victimisation, academic difficulties, and mental health needs. Their parents also face issues such as feelings of fear and loss, and judgement and hostility from others. Previous research has highlighted the importance of support for transgender young people and their parents, both at school and in the community. However, there is a lack of research in the United Kingdom which examines the perspectives of transgender young people and their parents to inform the work of Educational Psychologists.

This study explored the experiences of transgender young people and their parents about home, community, and school. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four secondary school age transgender young people and five mothers, four of whom were parents of the young people interviewed. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to inform the analysis of the interview data in order to gain an in-depth understanding of how the participants made sense of their experiences and the meaningfulness of these experiences.

From the young people’s accounts, four superordinate themes were identified which related to understandings of gender, complexities of transitioning, experiences in school and support networks. Four superordinate themes were identified from the parents’ data, relating to understandings of gender, how they came to terms with their child being transgender, experiences with their child’s school and support networks. Implications for Educational Psychology policy and practice are discussed, including how Educational Psychologists might develop their work with transitioning young people and their parents.

National Anti-Bullying Centre at DCU celebrates 25 years of research on bullying and cyberbullying

National Anti-Bullying Centre at DCU celebrates 25 years of research on bullying and cyberbullying

The National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre (ABC) at Dublin City University is celebrating 25 years of research on bullying and cyberbullying. 

Established in 1996, it now has an experienced team of academics undertaking research on school bullying, workplace bullying, homophobic bullying and cyberbullying and has received almost €9million in research funding for 45 research projects.

ABC has developed many strong academic and industry partnerships, including UNESCO, the Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioural Research in Education, the Cyberbullying Research Centre (USA), the Word Anti-Bullying Forum, and the International Bullying Prevention Association. It has secured financial support for its work from the Government of Ireland, the European Commission, the Irish Research Council, the Health Services Executive, Rethink Ireland, and Facebook.

It’s partnership with Facebook and Rethink Ireland has enabled the team to engage with over 1,200 schools to deliver education on bullying prevention and intervention through the FUSE programme, which was designed to support parents, children and teachers in working together to tackle bullying and online safety. 

“Results from the FUSE programme evaluations show that 86% of the kids who took part are better able to ask for help in relation to online safety. This shows just how important the FUSE programme is to schools and teachers around the country. Over 439 teachers have trained with us to date and we’re delighted to be rolling this programme again this year despite of the schools closures, particularly given the emphasis and importance of online safety now that children are relying more on smartphones and other digital devices for educational purposes,” said Darran Heaney, FUSE Project Manager.

In tackling workplace bullying, the Centre has worked with over 100 partner employers in Ireland and recently published two new studies focusing on bullying in the workplace and ageism, highlighting that almost 35% of cases taken to the Workplace Relations Commission cited bullying as the reason for unfair dismissal and that negative stereotypes about older people in the workplace feed directly into bullying behaviour. 

Commenting on the significance of the 25th year anniversary milestone, Director of the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre and UNESCO Chair on Bullying and Cyberbullying, Professor James O’Higgins Norman, said:

“In 25 years of research, we have excelled with partners across the EU, Scandinavia, USA, UK, South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. We have founded the International Journal of Bullying Prevention. We have held the World’s first UNESCO Chair on Bullying and Cyberbullying. We have over 100 publications and reports on bullying and cyberbullying in schools, colleges, and workplaces. We have become a globally recognised centre for the study of bullying and digital research and we have been the first to undertake research on school bullying, workplace bullying, homophobic bullying and cyberbullying. These are all huge achievements and not possible without an incredible team so thank you to everyone who has been a part of the centre and the contributions they have made”

International Day Against Violence and Bullying at School including Cyberbullying

UNESCO International Day Against Violence and Bullying at School including Cyberbullying

Each year, the International Day Against Violence and Bullying at School will be observed on the first Thursday of November. It calls on all countries, organizations and people to come together with the common purpose of ensuring schools are free from fear and violence.

This International day aims to eliminate violence and bullying at school, including Cyberbullying; so that all children and young people can fulfil their right to education, health and well-being.

The theme for the International Day in 2020 is Together Against Bullying in School.  Bullying affects students of all ages; in all countries and regions across the world. According to the latest UNESCO report almost one in three students have been bullied in the past month, making it the most prevalent form of violence in schools. One in ten students has been cyberbullied, and this form of Bullying is on the rise.

This can result in significant negative effects including poorer academic achievement; mental health issues; and lower quality of life in general. Children who are frequently bullied are nearly three times more likely to feel like an outsider at school, and more than twice as likely to miss school as those who are not frequently bullied. They have worse educational outcomes than their peers and are also more likely to leave formal education after finishing secondary school. They are twice as likely to feel lonely, to be unable to sleep at night and to have contemplated suicide.

This International Day provides an opportunity for those of us who work with schools to increase our awareness, and to take further steps in tackling violence, Bullying and Cyberbullying at schools.

Physical appearance is the top reason for bullying, followed by ethnicity, nationality and skin colour. Students who are seen as ‘different’ in any way are more at risk of bullying; such as girls who are perceived to look or act like boys; or boys who are perceived to look or act like girls.

Too many people think Bullying at school including Cyberbullying is an inevitable rite of passage to adulthood and that is relatively harmless, and that little can be done to stop it. Instead, there is strong evidence that violence and Bullying at school including Cyberbullying can be prevented and effectively addressed, if it happens. No student should live in fear of going to school.

School communities and the broader education sector must work together in unison to prevent and address bullying. This is called a whole-education approach and includes:

− Strong leadership and robust policy frameworks;

− Curricula to promote a caring school climate;

− Training for teachers and other school staff;

− A safe psychological and physical school environment;

− Mechanisms to report bullying and support for affected students;

− Student empowerment and participation;

− Involvement of all stakeholders in the school community including  parents; and

− Collaboration between the education sector and other sectors and a wide range of partners.

Addressing all forms of school violence including Bullying is essential to achieving the  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, and SDG 16, which aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies.

Ireland’s efforts to support International Day Against Violence and Bullying in Schools are being co-ordinated by the team at the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre in Dublin City University.
You can find out more at our website and 

Conference Details

There will be a conference to mark the day, which will be held virtually on 5 November 2020 (from 13:00 p.m. to 15:00 p.m. – Paris time). The conference is being organised by the French Government and UNESCO to mark UN International Day Against Violence and Bullying in Schools including Cyberbullying.

The Conference will consist of a series of live sessions, including interactive round tables with ministers, experts, and representatives of the education community, as well as messages from high-level speakers, celebrities, and personal testimonials. You will find the programme attached.
Representatives of the Scientific Committee will present a summary of evidence-based recommendations to prevent and address bullying and cyberbullying. A document presenting a set of key recommendations will also be made available for the conference.
You can watch the Conference by following us via YouTube or Facebook Live, in English or French. Please find the corresponding links below.

·         YouTube EN:
·         YouTube FR:
·         Facebook Live EN:
·         Facebook  Live FR:

Should you have any questions on how to connect, please do not hesitate to contact Sylvan Séguy at
Once again, thank you for all the work you are doing to tackle violence, bullying and cyberbullying in schools.

Colm Canning

Education Project Coordinator National Anti-Bullying Centre DCU

Testing the applicability of criminological theories to the context of bullying behaviour: implications for prevention and treatment
Ttofi, Maria
University of Cambridge

This thesis starts with a detailed review of studies on the short-term and long-term effects of bullying on children’s physical and mental health (part A).  Many cross-sectional studies show that children’s involvement in bullying is related to several physical and psychological problems.  Longitudinal research indicates that bullying is a strong risk marker for anti-sociality and future criminality.  The necessity arises to examine the extent to which bullying prevention programmes are effective in tackling bullying. Part B presents a systematic and meta-analytic review of the effectiveness of anti-bullying programmes.  It includes programmes that were implemented and evaluated I schools, with the aim of reducing bullying and/or victimisation.  This project followed 25 years of intervention research and was based on extensive searches, for example all volumes of 35 journals were hand-searched from 1983 to 2008.  Intervention components within each programme were coded and correlated with the effect sizes, so that solid conclusions could be drawn about what works in preventing bullying, for whom and under what circumstances.  I conclude that anti-bullying programmes are effective, but that future programmes are needed that are based on empirically validated theories of bullying. Part C begins with a review of previous theoretical perspectives that have been utilized in the understanding of bullying.  It then focuses on testing the applicability of two criminological theories in explaining sibling and peer bullying, namely Reintegrative Shaming Theory and Defiance Theory.  These two theories were chosen because of their importance and many points of convergence.  Part C is based on a survey that was conducted with primary school children.  The emphasis is on sibling bullying, which –unlike peer bullying- is an under-researched topic.  In line with the postulates of the two theories, I establish which family factors are related to sibling bullying and make recommendations about how best to utilize the survey findings for the prevention of bullying. Part D is based on another survey that was constructed and used with both primary and secondary school children.  The theoretical constructs of Defiance Theory were operationalized and empirically tested using the same questionnaire so that comparisons based on the two datasets – as well as final conclusions – could be drawn based on age and gender differences.  The focal point of part D is on teacher-targeted bullying perpetrated by students, which is a highly neglected area of research.  In part D, as in part C, some hypotheses are experimentally tested using vignettes so that solid inferences can be drawn about the applicability of the theory to the context of teacher-targeted bullying behaviour.

Cyber-bullying: The Dark-side of Technology – Parents Beware

The tendency in students complaining about cyberbullying (CB) increased with an alarming rate. What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is a form of harassment using electronic or virtual means. This type of harassment is also commonly known as ‘online-bullying’ in many Asian countries including Pakistan and India. It termed ‘bullying’ which means when a youngster, typically teen, exchange harassed behaviour with others especially on social media. The harassed behaviour may include; rumours, threats, sexually explicit remarks or judgemental sentences, unethical and unlawful use of personal/sensitive information, and the use of ‘hate-speech’.

It is believed that Cyber Bullying is the most severe form of aggression and usually targeted and repeated but less personal as the bullying would be happening remotely or virtually. There are many forms of cyberbullying. However, the most dangerous kind of CB is ‘Cyberstalking’.

What is Cyberstalking?

According to Alison Smith (2008) Report, Cyberstalking is a form of virtual harassment where the culprit uses ‘Online Conversations’ to stalk or follow the victim. The harasser will keep sending the messages over social media messenger or through any other messaging app to stalk or threaten the victim by any means. Failing to get required results, the perpetrator may encourage others to do the same, either openly or by imitating their victim’s known individuals (relatives or friend of friends). It is quite like a ‘Controlled Online Blackmailing Strategy’. Sometimes, this type of online bullying leads to more aggressive behaviour called ‘Trolling’. In Cyberworld, a troll is a person who starts an argument or upsetting other people to distract by posting wrong and digressive messages in social media (blog, News forum, chat room etc.). According to a study, the troll may be unsettling due to their enjoyment or because they are genuinely an antagonistic personality.

What are the most places where Cyberbullying practice?

The most common form of social media(s) and open discussion forums where this harassment may occur are:

    • Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter
    • SMS (Short Message Service) also known as Text Message sent through devices
    • Instant Message (via devices, email provider services, apps, and social media messaging features)
    • Email

The Role of Parents and Teacher in tackling Cyberbullies

Our new generation is more prone to technology, and the world is frequently developing cyberspace. When youngsters encounter their first Cyberbully, they don’t share it to anyone neither to their parents nor teachers due to the feeling of being ashamed, fear of embarrassment in their social circle or mostly due to the fear that their cyber-freedom will be ripped-off at home.

However, it is essential for parents, as well as teachers, to have a strong bond of trust, affection and confidence with kids so they can easily share/confess their dilemma without any fear.

How to tell when a kid cyberbullied?

Usually, signs of cyberbullying vary; however, the following are the most common symptoms:

    • being emotionally distressed during or after using the Internet or the cell phone
    • Being very secretive (mysterious) or protective of one’s ‘digital life’.
    • withdrawal from family members, friends, and activities
    • avoiding school or group gatherings
    • slipping grades and “acting out” in anger at home
    • changes in mood, behaviour, sleep, or appetite
    • wanting to stop using the computer or cell phone
    • being nervous or jumpy when getting an instant message, text, or email
    • avoiding discussions about computer or cell phone activities

How to be a ‘helping-hand’?

As a teacher, I always believe in my students no matter how good or bad their behaviour and performance are in the classroom. For the past three years, I confronted a handful of cyberbully cases. Following are the points which I assume parent should aware off:

    • It is crucial for the parents to understand the psychological trauma and pressure their kids are going through when they bullied online. Instead of shouting or reacting badly, offer comfort and support to them. Try to share your own bullying experiences of your childhood; it might help the victim child to feel less alone.
    • It is important to let them know that it is not their fault to become a victim of bully or troll. Do not react or confiscate their belongings or show any sign of forsaking their cyber freedom at home.
    • Let their school teacher, or anyone to whom they admired, know about the circumstances so they can help counsel the child. However, before informing them, let your child know that you’re planning to do so. In this way, the victimised child feel secure and respectable that may help them regain their lost confidence.
    • Encourage your child not to answer the cyberbullying, because it will just fuel the fire and makes the situation worse. However, keep the bullied messages (threatening messages, pictures, and texts) as evidence against the cyberbully.

What should kids do to avoid Cyberbullying?

Kids, the world which you are living is so diverse and digitally approachable that it’s a piece of cake to familiarise and know someone so well who lives miles away from you. The world is becoming ‘Cyber Village’.  I still remember, my mom always reminds me in my childhood, ‘not to talk to strangers’. I always felt, why? It’s good to know strangers and befriend with them. But not all strangers, whether in person or virtual, are worthy of befriending. The very first strategy of any troll or bullied is they start using your own sensitive secret personal information against you. It is then you realise that you are being blackmailed. So, first of all, always remember that your family is the first defence against all bullies. Trust them, share with them, hear them, follow their guidance and most importantly, be ethical and responsible in exchanging information with others.

So, teachers/parents, have you ever experienced such confessions or signs in your child or students? How do you deal with them? Share your stories in comments below.

DCU Anti-Bullying Centre hosts ‘Re-Imaging Ethics and Research with Children’ Symposium

On 29th April 2024, DCU Anti-Bullying Centre hosted a ‘Re-Imaging Ethics and Research with Children’ Symposium in the John Hand Room on the All Hallows Campus. Academics, researchers and professionals from various organisations and institutions were in attendance for this knowledge sharing event to discuss current ethical issues faced when conducting research with children.

ABC members were delighted to have Professor Anne Looney, Executive Dean of the Institute of Education, open the symposium to welcome all the attendees and share her hopes for what might be achieved during the event. ABC’s postdoctoral researchers, Sinan, Sayani, Maryam and Megan posed questions amongst groups of attendees to facilitate group discussions on how children can be supported, respected and included within research, as per the United Nations Rights of the Child.

All attendees discussed the current challenges that they face when conducting research with children and how they use dynamic and robust methodologies that respects the rights of the child, but ensures that their voices are heard. Further, attendees discussed how we could effectively move forward the field of ethical research with children. Dr. Melrona Kirrane, Chair of DCU Research Ethics Committee, spoke with attendees on key ethical principles for researchers and the ethical process within DCU. ABC will compile all ideas and thoughts into a report to share amongst attendees and then to wider audiences.

Physical, verbal, and relational bullying of pupils with learning difficulties in cypriot primary schools
Avraamidou, Maria
University of Warwick

The present thesis explores main issues regarding school bullying, based firstly on an extensive literature and research review, and secondly on a research study which took place within a period of two academic years, in Nicosia, Cyprus. The study aimed to explore and compare bullying experiences among pupils with learning difficulties (LDs) and typically developing (TD) pupils as match controls, and identify whether learning disabled pupils are bullied on a higher frequency or severity compared to their non-disabled peers. Types of bullying (verbal, physical, and particularly relational) and several factors underpinning these, were investigated. The study also aimed to explore school staff’s views and experiences regarding bullying, and to examine gender and age issues regarding the experiences of the sample in bullying. In addition, it aimed to examine bullying mental health effects on the victims, with a particular focus on its relational type. Lastly, a survey with 620 pupils from the sample schools, aged 9 to 12 years, was conducted to investigate the nature of bullying across the whole population of pupils in these schools at these ages. The sample included six primary inclusive schools located in Nicosia, a number of pupils who participated in the bullying survey (n=620), 12 pupils with LDs and 12 TD pupils aged 9 to 12 years as the main focus groups, and six head teachers and 37 teachers from the sample schools. The data collection tools included the Life in School Questionnaire (LIS) to examine generally the bullying experiences of the samples, the Reynolds Bully Victimization Scales to examine involvement in physical and verbal bullying, and specifically involvement in relational aggressive incidents and mental health effects on the victims. Also, semistructured interviews were conducted to explore in depth the samples’ experiences regarding bullying in their schools. The results showed that similar numbers of pupils with and without LDs reported victimization and generally no statistically significant differences were found when comparing the two focus groups. The interviews, on the other hand, identified interesting factors underpinning the LD pupils’ victimization were identified, and important data regarding bullying in Cypriot primary schools were collected.