A systematic review of the literature was conducted to ascertain whether or not childhood bullying predicts the later development of psychotic symptoms. A meta-analysis and review of ten prospective studies suggests that this is the case. What is lacking from the literature, is adequate investigation into other potential mediating factors that contribute to some of the variance. The current review serves to highlight the significant role of bullying within this complex interaction. Potential influencing mediators are explored, including a dose-response effect for the severity and frequency of victimization. Suggestions for targeting intervention are also suggested alongside clinical implications and recommendations for future research. The first empirical paper compared rates of self-reported trauma with that which was recorded in patients’ case notes. High levels of lifetime, childhood and Troubles-related trauma were reported within a psychosis sample. As expected, large discrepancies were noted. In line with similar studies, the results suggest that mental health practitioners continue to be reluctant to enquire about trauma histories with this population and as a result, case notes extensively underestimate the prevalence rates of trauma. The second empirical paper asked people with psychosis about their perspective with regards to participating in trauma-related research. The results suggest that enquiring about trauma within a psychosis population does not cause considerable distress and that a significant majority participants also report, in line with previous research, favourable views on the importance of such even if they do find it somewhat difficult.
We have developed the following database of research theses on bullying from all academic institutions in the UK and Ireland. The aim of this database is to assist those who are interested in the field of bullying and want to see what research has already been done. We have attempted to ensure that we have included all relevant theses here; but if there is an omission please let us know by emailing geraldine.kiernan@dcu.ie.
The database is here for information purposes. Those who want access to the texts of the theses need to contact the author, the relevant institution, or both.