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Do young and new employees perceive being young and/or being new to an organisation as factors which influence workplace bullying?
O'Donnell, Judith
Dublin City University
The experiences of transgender young people and their parents: Informing the work of Educational Psychologists
Freedman, Abigail
University College London

There has been a recent increase in the reported number of young people accessing specialist gender identity services. Transgender children and young people face a number of issues such as bullying and victimisation, academic difficulties, and mental health needs. Their parents also face issues such as feelings of fear and loss, and judgement and hostility from others. Previous research has highlighted the importance of support for transgender young people and their parents, both at school and in the community. However, there is a lack of research in the United Kingdom which examines the perspectives of transgender young people and their parents to inform the work of Educational Psychologists.

This study explored the experiences of transgender young people and their parents about home, community, and school. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four secondary school age transgender young people and five mothers, four of whom were parents of the young people interviewed. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to inform the analysis of the interview data in order to gain an in-depth understanding of how the participants made sense of their experiences and the meaningfulness of these experiences.

From the young people’s accounts, four superordinate themes were identified which related to understandings of gender, complexities of transitioning, experiences in school and support networks. Four superordinate themes were identified from the parents’ data, relating to understandings of gender, how they came to terms with their child being transgender, experiences with their child’s school and support networks. Implications for Educational Psychology policy and practice are discussed, including how Educational Psychologists might develop their work with transitioning young people and their parents.

How Do I Spot if My Child Is Being Bullied?

Shame, helplessness and fear of reprisals can stop children from telling their parents about being the target of bullying. Here, the director of engagement at Dublin City University’s Anti-Bullying Centre, Darran Heaney, advises on what to look out for and what to do.

What exactly constitutes “bullying”?

Bullying can take many forms. It does not have to be physical to be considered bullying. More subtle forms, such as social exclusion, teasing and name calling can be considered bullying and are often difficult to spot but can have a lasting negative effect on the target. These forms of bullying can also take place online or through a device and is referred to as cyberbullying. This type of bullying is increasingly common and is continuously evolving. It can happen at any time and does not have to be repeated to constitute bullying. Bullying is often related to social position and that those who are seen as less powerful or as outsiders can be more prone to being targeted.

Is there an age group when bullying among children tends to be more prevalent?

Ireland is experiencing a heightened focus on bullying and online safety issues. This focus is justified when we consider that a recent Government study found that 17% of 9-17 year olds reported that they had experienced some form of bullying, either online or offline, in the past year. The highest number of reports came from 13–14 year olds, 22% of whom report having been bullied in the past year. Furthermore, 11% of all children say they have experienced cyberbullying in the past 12 months with 18% of 13–14 year olds reporting the highest levels of being cyberbullied. The data suggests that girls are more prone to being bullied and experiencing online safety issues (NACOS, 2021).

Among primary school children, what are the most common forms?

There are different forms of bullying which are prevalent among primary school children. Verbal bullying, where a student is called mean names, has hurtful things said to them/about them or has rumours spread about them. This can often be linked to their physical appearance, race and identity. Physical bullying can also take place in primary school. This is more traditional and involves physical contact intended to hurt the target, such as kicking or punching. Exclusion, where a child is regularly left out of activities or lunchtime groups or friendship circles can have a devastating and lasting impact on a young person’s confidence and self-esteem. Use of devices amongst 9-13 year olds has
also led to an increase in cyberbullying.

Does that change in the teen years?

As children transition from primary school to post-primary school, the bullying may manifest in an online form. A recent study in Ireland found that 62% of children and young people, aged 9-17 years, use social media. This rises from a quarter of 9–10-year-olds to nearly 90% of 15–17-year-olds. Navigating the online world can be challenging for young people. Hurtful and mean content can spread quickly online and is often difficult to contain. Parents might often feel helpless when it comes to online bullying, because they are in different spaces to their child. It is vital that parents keep an open line of communication with their children about their online activity. Encouraging honest and open discussion with your child will help them to speak about any negative experiences they may encounter online.

What sort of signs might suggest my child is being bullied?

Parents may notice a change in their child’s mood or behaviour. They may appear down or sad after spending time at school, with friends or online. They may display signs of anxiety but refuse to explain what is wrong. Changes in their eating habits or sleep pattern could also indicate that they are experiencing negative, unwanted behaviour. Parents may notice their child’s ability to concentrate on their schoolwork affected by bullying, leading to decreased academic performance. In the case of physical bullying, parents should watch for unexplained bruises or cuts, damaged clothes or belongings. Their child may complain of illness to avoid attending school or sports training and their mood could change and become more withdrawn or frustrated.

How do I help them if they refuse to talk about it?

Try to remain calm. Getting frustrated or angry about it will only lead to your child disengaging in the conversation. Your child needs to feel confident that you will deal with this without getting angry or possibly making the situation worse. You want them to feel comfortable to tell you what they are experiencing, so creating a trusting space for this to happen is important. If they are refusing to talk about it and you suspect something is wrong, talk to parents of their friends or other family members, or go directly to school to see the teacher if you believe that the bullying is happening there. Encourage your child to speak to another family member, friend or their teacher if they refuse to talk to you. It is important that they tell someone so help can be provided and reinforce this to them whenever possible. Remind them that once someone knows about it, they can support them through the experience and deal with it to get it resolved.

Removing your child’s device/mobile phone might feel like the quickest way to stop the bullying and protect them, however in doing this you are cutting your child off from their friends, leaving them with no way to communicate. Maintain communication and trust with your child at all times. Also, talk to the teacher in the school if you believe that the bullying is happening there.

How should I approach it with the school and what sort of action can I expect?

Parents should contact the school and make them aware of the bullying. It is important to stay calm and approach school staff in a non-confrontational way. Ask the school for help. Everyone should have the best outcome and resolution for the children involved as their priority. Research has shown that this can happen efficiently if parents and school staff work as a team.

Your child’s school may have an Anti-Bullying Coordinator or relevant teacher who is responsible for dealing with this. Explain the situation calmly and clearly, giving as much information as possible including times, dates, nature of bullying. Ask for advice from the teacher/principal on how they will manage this within the school. As stated in the Department of Education Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools, there is a requirement on all schools to have an anti-bullying policy within the framework of their overall code of behaviour. These procedures also clearly outline the responsibility of the school to prevent and address school-based bullying behaviour and to deal with any negative impact within school of bullying behaviour that occurs elsewhere. The school Anti-Bullying policy should outline the schools key principles of best practice for both preventing and tackling bullying and should be reviewed on an annual basis.

What can I do at home to support my child through this?

Listen to your child and talk to them about how they are feeling. Seek professional support for your child if you feel it is needed. Encourage them to stay in a group or with friends, they trust during school time if they have concerns about being targeted when alone. Reassure your child that it is not their fault. Educate them that the bullying behaviour is the responsibility of the person bullying and that it is not personal.

I know hindsight is a wonderful thing but are there parenting techniques that might have lessened the chances of a child being bullied?

Research shows that some parenting styles are less helpful than others and are even a predictor of a child being a target for bullying – overly controlling and/or punitive approaches should be avoided, equally a totally hands off approach is not very helpful, parents should convey that they are in charge and can be relied on to help when things get tough, but they should not take total control away from their child either, tackling bullying is a team effort, parent, student and school, can do it altogether.

I have heard there is a danger that bullied children can in turn become the aggressors, what would be the signs of that and can it be prevented?

In some cases children who are targeted for bullying can cope with this by acting out bullying behaviour on someone else. These “bully-victims” can be emotionally very stressed and need plenty of support and reassurance while at the same time showing them that bullying behaviour is always wrong.

Places Available for our Relationship Bullying Course for People with Intellectual Disabilities

We are delighted to announce an evidence based training programme called “Keeping Yourself Safe From Relationship Bullying” using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology.

This is a 5 week course that aims to equip people with intellectual disabilities with the necessary skills to deal with peer to peer bullying, conflict and anger. You will also learn about empathy, respect, rights and your responsibilities in keeping yourself and others happy and safe.

Training Date, Time and Venue

Start Date: 29th April 2019.

Venue: St Patricks Campus, DCU.

Time: 10am – 3pm.

Booking Details

Cost: €100 per person.

Venue: St Patrick’s Campus, Dublin City University.

Booking Steps

1. Email Geraldine Kiernan – to book a place

2. Give full details including your name, service and the number of participants that you want to book in for the course.

3. Payment can be made either by cheque or direct bank transfer.

Important Information

Please take note that this course will only run if it secures a Max number of 12 persons with intellectual disabilities. Persons with intellectual disabilities who require support to actively take part in this course will need to be accompanied by a support person.

Please contact Fiona Weldon – for any other queries.



Intellectual Disability Anti-Bullying Course

W​e at the Anti Bullying Research and Resource Centre at DCU​​ are delighted to announce our 7th successful evidence based training programme to help people with intellectual disabilities to learn how to tackle bullying.

This training is aimed at people with intellectual disabilities coupled with a supporter.

The training will start ​2nd Feb and will run for 10 weeks. All 10 sessions will start at 11am and finish at 3.30pm.

We have added 4 more days to this training course as a result of past participants feedback and current research that reflects good practice in the area of training around the issue of bullying.

Cost of completing this course is €200 per learning couple – €100 each

Venue: Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin

Booking steps:

1. Email Geraldine – to book places

2. Give full details including your name, service and the number of learning couples that you want to book in for course

3. Payment can be made either by cheque or direct bank transfer

Please cc in all correspondence detailing this event and future events. Thank you.

Alessio Cornia
Safety/bullying in the community: an exploration of the perceptions of students with learning and/or communication difficulties, of their parents/carers and of their teachers
Lomas, Jacquie Charlotte Jayne
University of Birmingham

This research aimed to explore the extent to which young people with learning/communication difficulties see themselves affected by feeling unsafe/bullying in the community. This research also investigated the views of parents of young people with learning/communication difficulties. The researcher wished to explore the extent to which parents endeavour to support their vulnerable offspring by curtailing their exposure to potential risks, as against helping them develop coping strategies to enable them to stay safe in community settings and be competent to avoid and address potential or actual risks. Finally, the study aimed to explore the perceptions of teachers who work with young people with learning/communication difficulties, of how much the young people are at risk of being bullied in the community, and how the school curriculum seeks to minimise/prepare young people to address any such risks. Through a multiple case study design, the perceptions of six young people with learning/communication difficulties were explored, as were the perceptions of one of the parents of each of the young people. Three schools were involved: one mainstream and two special schools. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the young people, with their parents and with one member of staff from each school. In addition, rating scales and photographs were used with the young people. The research was collaborative in that the young people were involved in identifying which places in the community to take photographs of, and took some of the photographs themselves with the help of school staff. The qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis (Thomas, 2009). Findings point to the importance of taking an eco-systemic approach to the issue of how safe young people with learning/communication difficulties feel in the community, and to the issue of bullying.

The bullying of autistic children: A review of anti-bullying interventions, and a feasibility study examining the relationship between bullying victimisation and psychosis-like experiences
Hastings, Kimberly N.
University of Sheffield

Bullying of autistic children by their peers is prevalent. This is a significant concern, given research linking childhood bullying with adverse mental health outcomes, in both autistic and neurotypical groups.

The first section of this thesis is a scoping review, which aimed to establish what interventions have been developed to reduce the bullying of autistic children. The second section reports an investigation of the feasibility of examining the relationship between bullying victimisation and psychosis-like experiences (PLEs) in autistic children. Following a systematic literature search 10 studies were identified for inclusion in the scoping review. Broadly, interventions focussed either upon skills-development for autistic children, or the promotion of contact between autistic children and neurotypical peers. There was heterogeneity in the research designs used and outcome measures employed.

Overall, the evidence base is in its infancy and there is a need to develop and evaluate multicomponent interventions involving autistic children, neurotypical peers, staff and schools. A quantitative cross-sectional design was used to investigate the feasibility of testing the relationship between bullying victimisation and PLEs in autistic children, and to test the preliminary hypothesis of association between these variables. Parents completed a battery of online questionnaires about their children (N=53). Hierarchical multiple regression was used to test the relationship between the variables of interest, while controlling for: age, sex, family history of psychosis and internalising difficulties.

It was found that there is a lack of suitable questionnaires for measuring PLEs in autistic children, and that recruiting a large sample via a clinical service may not be feasible. Preliminary hypothesis testing failed to establish a statistically significant relationship between bullying victimisation and PLEs in autistic children. However, this should not preclude future work in this area.