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The wandering adolescent of contemporary japanese anime and videogames
Jacobsen, Matthew
Queen Mary University of London

This thesis examines the figure of the wandering adolescent, prominently visible in Japanese television anime and videogames produced from 1995 to the present. Japan in the 1990s and at the millennium experienced intense economic and social change, as the collapse of the ‘bubble’ economy of the 1980s resulted in a financial recession from which the country has yet to recover. At the close of the decade, the national experience was characterised in media descriptions of malaise and disenfranchisement, and the loss of perceived core traditional cultural values. Arguably in this period the figure of the adolescent changed qualitatively in Japanese culture, rising to prominence within youth panic discourses circulated by the Japanese news media. These concerned the perceived rise in antisocial and problematic teenage behaviour, including the otaku, the hikikomori shut-in, classroom disobedience, bullying, and prostitution, while multiple cases of brutal murder perpetrated by teenagers became the focus of extensive media coverage. Public discourse expressed alarm at the perceived breakdown of the traditional family and the growing commodification of childhood in Japanese culture. This thesis develops understanding of the shifting attitude in Japan towards adolescence within the context of these cultural anxieties, and through the analysis of anime and videogames suggests strategies that are at work within popular cultural texts that are the product of, contribute to and reorient debates about the position of the suddenly and inescapably visible teenager in Japanese society. Through analysis of discourses relating to the shifting representation of the wandering adolescent as it moves across cultural texts and media forms, the thesis forms an original contribution to knowledge and understanding of Japanese anime and videogames through illumination of a prominent motif that to date remains unexamined.

Surviving through adversity: the experiences of overseas black and minority ethnic nurses in the NHS in the south of England
Alexis, O.
University of Surrey

Aim: The aims of this study were to explore, describe and develop a greater understanding of the experiences of overseas black and minority ethnic nurses in the NHS in the south of England. Methods: This study utilised a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches underpinned by interpretive phenomenology.  The qualitative phase consisted of 12 semi-structured face-to-face interviews and the findings informed the focus group interviews, of which four were conducted.  The quantitative phase, a survey, informed by the findings of the qualitative phase was conducted with 188 overseas nurses across 15 NHS Trust hospitals in the south of England. Findings: The qualitative findings revealed five main themes such as: Being thrown into an unfamiliar world, encountering marginalisation and experiencing inequalities in the world, surviving in an everyday world, living in an everyday world and making a new world and these themes encapsulated their experiences.  Overseas nurses indicated that they had encountered discrimination, lack of equal opportunity, bullying, separateness and a host of other encounters that appeared to have affected their experiences of the NHS.  The survey showed that overseas nurses employed in NHS hospitals in London were more likely to perceive themselves to have been promoted, supported and have aggressive behaviour directed at them in comparison to those in NHS hospitals in non-London regions.  The survey also revealed that African nurses were more likely to perceive themselves as being treated less favourably than their overseas counterparts. Conclusion: Both phases showed that overseas nurses encountered difficulties and variations in treatment in the NHS in the south of England and combining the two approaches helped to confirm and reinforce the findings.  This study’s results add considerably to the body of knowledge on the experiences of overseas nurses and have significant implications for nursing practice, management and health policy.

Barriers and facilitators to inclusion of lesbian, gay and bisexual pupils in Scottish schools
McIntyre, E. H.
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne

This secondary study surveyed head teachers and interviewed nursery, primary and secondary teachers on their perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to inclusion of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) pupils in one rural Scottish Education Authority.  The study focused on the understandings of masculinities and the silence on (homo) sexuality in the hidden and taught curriculum.  It further aimed to problematise institutional heterosexism. The outcomes of the survey indicated that reference to LGB pupils was missing in policy and generic policies were sufficient to deal with all aspects of equality.  All head teachers surveyed stated homophobic bullying would be dealt with in the same way as other kind of bullying. Whilst LGB pupils were perceived as ‘just the same’ as other pupils they were also depicted as victims in need of specialist support and engendered sympathy in teachers.  Whilst prejudice, attitudes, lack of knowledge and training was reported to be the main barriers to inclusion of LGB pupils some head teachers perceived being silent on the subject was respectful of individual privacy. Analysis of the survey indicated themes of assimilation, contradiction, and ambiguity, set within a liberal discourse of “we treat all pupils alike” “they are all the same”.  These themes were developed in more depth in the interview to reveal institutional heterosexism and structural barriers to teachers’ discourse on LGB pupils.  The data was organised into the following themes: ‘Gender roles and families’, ‘Moral Panic’, ‘Institutional heterosexism’.  The study revealed that whilst teachers aimed to treat all pupils alike they did so by treating them as though they were heterosexual.  As a consequence teachers seemed to lack the language to talk about different sexual orientations. This study suggests that there are structural and institutional barriers to inclusion of LGB pupils in school and limits to programmes of reform based on the individual, identity politics, and anti-oppressive approaches.  Nevertheless the outcome of this study indicates that for social change to occur anti-oppressive approaches remain the next stage in the process.

Living differently: gay male undergraduates’ student experiences
Taulke-Johnson, R. A.
The University of Wales College of Cardiff

In this thesis I present a snapshot of the university lives and experiences of 17 gay male undergraduate students attending an institution in the UK.  I draw upon thematic analysis of data obtained from individual, face-to-face, semi-structured interviews.  My focus is the ways participants’ higher education biographies compare and contrast with dominant accounts of the gay student experience, which are characterised by intolerance, harassment, victimisation, heterosexism and homophobia. My theoretical framework is derived from university space being, like all non-gay-specific space, pervaded by discourses of compulsory heterosexuality (Rich 1980) and the workings of the heterosexual matrix (Butler, 1990). I am interested in how participants produced, expressed, managed and negotiated their alternative identities in these higher education settings.  I therefore interrogate the role and importance participants ascribe their gayness at university, the effect and influence of their sexuality on their university choices and on their relationships with flatmates, their coming out narratives and experiences in higher education. Findings often contrast with those typically reported in academic literature, both in participants’ marked decentralisation of their non-heterosexuality in self-identification, and in portrayals of gay students as other than victims of harassment, discrimination and persecution. Although participants are very much aware of the regulatory heteronormative mechanisms of straight discourse operating within university spaces, they are highly sensitive and skilled in expressing, monitoring, adapting, asserting, and negotiating their identities in these environments.  In fact, participants framed university as a generally positive, tolerant, accepting and happy place in which to be gay. I therefore argue that these ‘new’ stories and ways of ‘living differently’ should be acknowledged to enrich and further understanding of this population’s experiences within higher education.

An investigation into pupils’ and teachers’ experiences and perceptions of homophobic bullying in secondary schools
Harris, Karen L.
University of Sheffield

This study aims to explore pupils’ and teachers experiences and perceptions of homophobic bullying in rural secondary schools, and to use these views to support further development of policy and practice. The topic was chosen because of the limited range of current research available, detailing teachers’ and pupils’ experiences of homophobic bullying. The research was conducted using a case study design within an interpretative paradigm. The methods used to gather data were semi-structured interviews and focus groups. The data was gathered in two local secondary schools and one local youth group. In the secondary schools, five teachers were selected randomly for participation in semi-structured interviews. In the secondary schools and the youth group young people were randomly selected and invited to contribute within a focus group. Data was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and main themes from the interviews and focus groups were identified and discussed. Results suggest homophobic bullying continues to be of significant concern to young people in schools, and that it continues to be happening on a frequent basis. Teachers also recognise the issues relating to homophobic bullying and highlight that this type of bullying can also be evident towards teachers and between teachers. Young people felt that teachers were ineffective in dealing with homophobic bullying, and teachers themselves lacked confidence and knowledge in addressing the issue.

Storytelling as a Liminal Space: Using a narrative based participatory approach to tackle cyberbullying among adolescents
White, I., Foody, M., & O’Higgins Norman, J.
In Vanderbosch, H., & Green, L. (Eds.). Narratives in Research and Interventions on Cyberbullying among Young People. Springer
Bullying and Cyerbullying: Its legality and use in mental health assessments
Samara M, Burbridge, V., El Asam, A., Foody, M., Smith, P. K., & Morsi, H.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
14(12), 1449
Childhood experiences of bullying, trauma symptoms and attributions: their relation to violent offending
Pessall, L.
University of Leicester

The primary aim of this study was to see whether there is a relationship between the experience of being bullied and violent offending in later life. It was proposed that someone being bullied could be traumatised by the experience and display symptoms akin to PTSD, including hypervigilance and heightened threat perception, which may influence the likelihood of their involvement in violence. The study considers the relationship between the experience of being bullied, trauma symptoms and violent offending. Attributional style in relation to all of these variables is also considered as hostile attributional bias was proposed as a possible outcome of being bullied and a factor in increasing the likelihood of violent offending. Research concerned with childhood bullying, its effects, offending, and trauma is reviewed. The study and results are discussed in the context of literature to date. A relationship between the level of bullying experienced and the level of trauma symptoms currently experienced was found. There were no differences found between violence and non violent offenders on any of the measures used but there was a relationship between violent offending and a tendency to make negative attributions about their own actions relating to events. A similar relationship was also found for participants who had experienced bullying but not for those who had bullied others. Possibilities for future research and the implications for intervention and bullying prevention programmes are discussed in light of the findings.

Factors affecting coping with bullying in adolescence
Munro, C.
The University of Edinburgh

Bullying in schools has become an increasingly recognised problem. Since Olweus (1978) there has been an increase in research dedicated to this area, highlighting the ways bullying can be defined and its impact on the psychological well being of children and adolescents. As not all young people who are bullied experience psychological consequences, research has also examined differences in coping with

A qualitative exploration of how people with learning disabilities understand and respond to bullying
Byrne, Frederick T.
University of Surrey

Despite reports that people with learning disabilities (PWLD) are more vulnerable to being bullied than the non-LD population, there is a paucity of research into bullying of PWLD. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 adults with LD, using bullying vignettes, to explore how PWLD understand bullying; their knowledge of coping strategies for dealing with bullying; and what PWLD understand the consequences of bullying to be. Interview data was analysed using thematic analysis and categorised into four super-ordinate themes; Bullying is a bad thing; Reasons for the bullying; Coping strategies; and Consequences of own bullying experiences. The findings are discussed in relation to attribution theory (Heider, 1958) and socio-moral reasoning theory (Gibbs, 1979; 2003). Recommendations for clinicians working with PWLD involved in bullying are made; including considering the application of the concept of the “provocative-victim” (Sheard, Clegg, Standen, & Cromby, 2001); exploring how individual’s understanding of bullying experiences in terms of attributions made and socio-moral reasoning; exploring coping strategies and addressing aggressive or avoidance-based strategies, and consequences of bullying such as social and psychological problems. Recommendations are made for future research with larger, more representative samples.