Workshop 12

Image Sharing

About the Workshop

*Please review the content of this workshop before delivery.

If necessary, please consult with your principal to ensure the content is aligned with your school Relationships and Sexual Education Policy. It is recommended that this workshop is delivered to students aged 16 +  / per school discretion.

This workshop assists teachers in facilitating open discussions with students on the sharing of self-generated intimate images. It examines the relationships involved in the exchange of images, how the images might be shared and the potential outcomes if an image goes wider than its intended use. It has been designed to reflect and support the SPHE and RSE curriculum and has had input from both teachers and students in its development.

Image sharing is a video-based workshop designed to promote discussion on the topic in the classroom. This workshop also provides information for teachers on the topic of sexting among young people, the laws that come into effect when underage sexting occurs and the implications for school policy.

Teacher Notes & Activity Sheets